Professor Can Seng Ooi doing fieldwork


Most of the journal articles and book chapters are available for download on Researchgate and Or just ask me for the electronic copy. Your comments are always welcomed.

Tourism in Tasmania book cover

Open Access Book

Ooi, Can-Seng and Hardy, Anne (eds). 2020. Tourism in Tasmania. Hobart: Forty South. Free download.

This book is written in an accessible manner, for the general public. 27 scholars, most from the University of Tasmania, have come together to give diverse perspectives on the state of tourism in the state.

Publications: journal articles

Ooi, Can-Seng; and Shelley, Becky. 2024. "Negotiating entanglements and the emotion market: Tourism and society relations in Tasmania", Tourism Culture and Communication, Vol. 24, No. 2, 119-132. DOI: 10.3727/109830423X16969739300629. Access.

King, Karell; Ooi, Can-Seng; and Gale, Fred. 2024. "The microbiopolitics of artisanal cheese: a case study of Tasmania, Australia", Food, Culture & Society, ahead-of-print. DOI: 10.1080/15528014.2024.2350133. Free Open Access.

Long, Fei; Dahles, Heidi; Ong, Chin Ee; Ooi, Can-Seng; and Sin, Harng Luh. 2024. "Chinese outbound tourists and the changing political economies of Cambodia, Malaysia, and Singapore", Journal of China Tourism Research. ahead-of-print. DOI: 10.1080/19388160.2024.2333909. Free Open Access.

Stoeckl, Natalie; Adams, Vanessa; et al. 2024. "The value of Antarctic and Southern Ocean ecosystem services", Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, Vol. 5, 153-155. DOI: 10.1038/s43017-024-00523-3. Access.

Trifan, C.-A.; de Waegh, R.; Zhang, Y. and Ooi, C.-S. 2024. "Autoethnographic reflections on creating inclusive and collaborative virtual places for academic research", Journal of Organizational Ethnography, ahead-of-print. DOI: 10.1108/JOE-06-2023-0037. Access.

Muldoon, Meghan; Tzanelli, Rodanthi; Ooi, Can-Seng; Coulter, Myra; and Lapointe, Dominic. 2024. "Entangling with Keith Hollinshead’s Work: A Tribute", Tourism Culture and Communication, Vol. 24, No. 2, 155-158. DOI: 10.3727/109830423X17010324827212. Free Open Access.

Long Fei; Ooi, Can-Seng; Gui, Ting; and Ngah, Abdul Hafaz. 2024. "Restaurant food waste among Chinese consumers in a group context: an extended value-attitude-behaviour (VAB) hierarchy with information publicity", British Food Journal, Vol. 126, No. 2, 795-811. DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-02-2023-0109. Access.

Osanami Törngren, Sayaka; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2023. "Representing Sweden: packaging Swedish identity through curators of Sweden", Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. Vol. 30, No. 3, 432-451. DOI: 10.1080/1070289X.2022.2076423. Free Open Access.

Gerke, Maree; Adams, Matt; Ooi, Can-Seng;and Dahles, Heidi. 2023. "Entrepreneuring for regenerative tourism: Doing business differently in Tasmania's regional hospitality industry", Journal of Sustainable Tourism, ahead-of-print. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2023.2273757. Free Open Access.

Steriopoulos, Effie; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2023. "Transformative service research approaches for visitor experiences in major sporting events", International Journal of Event and Festival Management, Vol. 14, No. 2, 189-204. DOI: 10.1108/IJEFM-04-2022-0029. Access.

Blackwood, Gemma; Hardy, Anne; Dodd, Bill; Ooi, Can-Seng; and Williams, Kathleen. 2023. "Natural disaster on Instagram: Examining representations of the 2018-2019 Tasmanian fires", Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, Vol. 4, No. 1, 100082. DOI: 10.1016/j.annale.2022.100082. Free Open Access.

Tøttenborg, Alberte; Ooi, Can-Seng and Hardy, Anne. 2023. "Place branding through public management lenses: supplementing the participatory agenda", Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. Vol. 19, 114-127. DOI: 10.1057/s41254-021-00252-0. Access.

Hardy, Anne; Ma, Yue; Toettenborg, Alberte; Mccaughan, Louisa; Perkins, Rachel; Lindgaard Andersen, Line; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2023. "The role of online tourism education and its impact on student wellbeing during a 'COVID-pause'", Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching. Vol. 6, No. 1. DOI: 10.37074/jalt.2023.6.1.16. Free Open Access.

Tøttenborg, Alberte; Ooi, Can-Seng and Hardy, Anne. 2022. "Giving and taking ownership of a destination brand: mechanisms of stakeholder engagement", Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 15, No. 4, 511-532. DOI: 10.1108/JPMD-12-2020-0124. Access.

Long Fei; Ooi, Can-Seng; Gui, Ting; and Ngah, Abdul Hafaz. 2022. "Examining young Chinese consumers' engagement in restaurant food waste mitigation from the perspective of cultural values and information publicity", Appetite, Vol. 175, 106021. DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2022.106021. Access.

Schmidt, Merete; Ooi, Can-Seng; and Shelley, Becky. 2022. "'School is not for me': Young people's perceptions of being a self-directed learner in a small rural Tasmanian town", Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching. Vol. 5, No. 2. DOI: 10.37074/jalt.2022.5.2.4. Free Open Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2022. "Book review: Buddhist tourism in Asia", Pacific Affairs, Vol 95, No. 2, 329-331. Free Open Access.

Ma, Yue; Ooi, Can-Seng and Hardy, Anne. 2021. "Cultural complexity and situated mediation: Chinese visitors at Port Arthur Historic Site", Journal of China Tourism Research, Vol. 17, No. 4, 532-548. DOI: 10.1080/19388160.2021.1971134. Access.

Caprioli, Laura; Larson, Mia; Ek, Richard and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2021. "The inevitability of essentializing culture in destination branding: The cases of fika and hygge", Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 14, No. 3, 346-361. DOI: 10.1108/JPMD-12-2019-0114. Free Open Access.
Winner of the 2022 Literati Outstanding Paper Award

Shelley, Becky; Ooi, Can-Seng; and Denny, Lisa. 2021. "The dialogic negotiation of justice", Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Vol. 29, No. 2-3, 488-502. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2020.1727487. Access.

Tarulevicz, Nicole; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2021. "Food safety and tourism in Singapore: Between microbial Russian roulette and Michelin stars", Tourism Geographies, Vol. 23, No. 4, 810-832. DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2019.1654540. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2021. "Book review: Ideas of the city in Asian settings", Pacific Affairs, Vol 94, No. 3, 579-581. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2021. "Book review: Tourism and monarchy in Southeast Asia", Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol 52, No. 3, 558-559. DOI: 10.1017/S0022463421000667 Access.

Ma, Yue; Hardy, Anne; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2020. "Researching Chinese Tourists on the Move", Journal of China Tourism Research, Vol. 16, No. 2, 214-229. DOI: 10.1080/19388160.2019.1607794. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2019. "Asian tourists and cultural complexity: Implications for practice and the Asianisation of scholarship", Tourism Management Perspectives, Vol. 31, 14-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.tmp.2019.03.007. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2019. "Changing role of tourism policy in Singapore's cultural dynamics and development: From explicit to insidious", Tourism Culture and Communication. Vol. 19, No. 4, 231-242. DOI: 10.3727/194341419X15542140077648. Access.

Denny, Lisa; Shelly, Becky; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2019. "Education, jobs and the political economy of tourism: Expectations and realities in the case of Tasmania", Australasian Journal of Regional Studies. Vol. 25, No. 2, 282-305. Free Open Access.

Shelley, Becky; Ooi, Can-Seng; and Brown, Natalie. 2019. "Playful learning? An extreme comparison of the Children's University in Malaysia and in Australia", Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching. Vol. 2, No. 1, 16-23. Free Open Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2019. "Production and consumption of stories, images and fantasies: heritage, screen and literary tourism", Annals of Leisure Research, Vol 22, No. 3, 408-410. DOI: 10.1080/11745398.2018.1506992. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng; and Strandgaard Pedersen, Jesper. 2017. "In search of Nordicity: How New Nordic Cuisine shaped destination branding in Copenhagen", Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, Vol. 2, No. 4, 217-231. DOI: 10.3727/216929717X15046207899375. Access.

Budeanu, Adriana; Miller, Graham; Moscardo, Gianna; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2016. "Sustainable tourism, progress, challenges and opportunities", Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 111, 285-294. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.10.027. Access.

Comunian, Roberta; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2016. "Global aspirations and local talent: the development of creative higher education in Singapore", International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol. 22, No. 1, 58-79. DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2015.1101085. Access.

Coca-Stefaniak, A. et al. 2016. "Editorial", International Journal of Tourism Cities, Vol. 2, No. 4, 273-280. DOI: 10.1108/IJTC-10-2016-0041. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2016. "The business of politics, commerce and culture in East Asia", International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol. 22, No. 2, 308-311. DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2015.1084301 Access.

Lai, Shevren; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2015. "Branded as a World Heritage city: The politics afterwards", Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 11, No. 4, 276-292. DOI:10.1057/pb.2015.12 Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng; HÃ¥kanson, Lars; and LaCava, Laura. 2014. "Poetics and politics of the European Capital of Culture project", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol 148, 420-427. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.07.061. Download.

Koning, Juliette; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2013. "Awkward encounters and ethnography", Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, 16-32. DOI: 10.1108/17465641311327496. Access. (This article is named "2014 Highly Commended Paper")

Ren, Carina; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2013. "Auto-communicating micro-Orientalism: articulating 'Denmark' in China at the Shanghai Expo". Asia Europe Journal. Vol 11, No. 2, 129-145. DOI: 10.1007/s10308-013-0346-6. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2011. "Subjugated in the creative industries: The fine arts in Singapore", Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 3, 119-137. DOI: 10.3384/cu.2000.1525.113119. Downlad.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Stoeber, Birgit. 2011. "Creativity unbound - Policies, government and the creative industries", Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 3, 113-117. DOI: 10.3384/cu.2000.1525.113113. Download.

Ooi,Can-Seng. 2010. "Political pragmatism and the creative economy: Singapore as a City for the Arts", International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol. 16, No. 4, 403-417. DOI: 10.3384/cu.2000.1525.113113. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Strandgaard Pedersen, Jesper. 2010. "City branding and film festivals: Re-evaluating stakeholders' relations", Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 6, 4, 316-332. DOI: 10.1057/pb.2010.30. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2010. "Cacophony of voices and emotions: Dialogic of buying and selling art", Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 2. 347-364. DOI: 10.3384/cu.2000.1525.10220347. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. and Ek, Richard. 2010. "Culture, work and emotion", Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 2, 303-310. DOI: 10.3384/cu.2000.1525.10217303. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2009. "Government and creativity: Arts city Singapore", Creative Industries, No. 3, 44-47. [in Chinese, translated by Marina Guo, a journal of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences].

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2009. "The Orient responds: Tourism, orientalism and the national museums of Singapore", Ratasatra San [Bulletin of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Thammasat University]. Vol. 30, No. 2 (May - August), 113-155. (in Thai, translated by Chewasit Boonyakiet)

Ooi,Can-Seng. 2008. "Reimagining Singapore as a creative nation: The politics of place branding", Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 4, 287-302. DOI: 10.1057/pb.2008.18.Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2007. "Un-packing packaged cultures: Chinese-ness in International Business", East Asia: An International Quarterly, 24(2): 111-128. DOI: 10.1007/s12140-007-9010-3. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Juliette Koning. 2007. "The business of identity", East Asia: An International Quarterly, 24(2): 107-110. DOI: 10.1007/s12140-007-9009-9 Access.

Gomez, James and Can-Seng Ooi. 2006. "Stability, Risks and Opposition in Singapore", Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 23-2006, 5-7. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2006. "Dialogic heritage: Time, space and visions of the National Museums of Singapore", Thammasat University Archives Bulletin, 9, 56-71. (in Thai, translated by Chewasit Boonyakiet)

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2005. "The Orient responds: Tourism, Orientalism and the national museums of Singapore", Tourism, Vol. 53 No. 4, 285-299. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2005."State-civil society relations and tourism: Singaporeanizing tourists, touristifying Singapore", SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, Vol. 20, No. 2, 249-272. Access.

Ooi,Can-Seng and Hing Ai Yun. 2005. "Changing Asia", Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, No. 20, 4-7. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2004. "The poetics and politics of destination branding:Denmark", Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 3, No. 2, 107-128. DOI: 10.1080/15022250410003898. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng; Tatjana Pejic Kristensen and Zdenka Lomanova Pedersen. 2004. "Re-imag(in)ing place: From Czechoslovakia to the Czech Republic and Slovakia", Tourism, Vol. 52, No. 2, 151-163. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2003. "Identities, museums and tourism in Singapore: think regionally, act locally", Indonesia and the Malay World, Vol. 31, No. 2. 80-90. DOI: 10.1080/13639810304445. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2002. "Contrasting strategies: tourism in Denmark and Singapore", Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 29, No. 3, 689-706. DOI: 10.1016/S0160-7383(01)00086-X. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2002. "Persuasive histories: decentering, recentering and the emotional crafting of the past", Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 15, No. 6, 606-621. DOI: 10.1108/09534810210449569. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2001. "Decoding and manufacturing cultures: interpreting Singapore for tourists", CAUCE: A Journal of Philology, Vol. 24, 617-635. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2001. "Tourist historical products: packaged past of Denmark and Singapore", Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 1, No. 2, 113-132. DOI: 10.1080/150222501317244038. Access.

Publications: book chapters

Ooi, Can-Seng and Tøttenborg, Alberte. 2024. "Interventions in the tourism market: Challenges, opportunities and the moral limits of the tourism market". In Isaac, Rami K.; Nawijn, Jeroen; Farkić, Jelena and Klijs, Jeroen (eds). Tourism Interventions: Making or Breaking Places. London: Routledge. 184-196.

Gerke, Maree; Ooi, Can-Seng; and Dahles, Heidi. 2024. "Regenerative practices and the local turn: food tourism in rural regional context". In Park, Eerang and Kim, Sangkyun(eds.) Handbook on Food Tourism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 117- 132.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2023. "The local turn in tourism: Place-based realities, dangers and opportunities". In Higgins-Desbiolles, Freya and Bigby, Bobby Chew (eds.) The Local Turn in Tourism: Empowering Communities. Bristol: Channel View Publications. 113-127.

Ooi, Can-Seng; Ek, Richard; and Larson, Mia. 2023. "Nordic noir and miserable landscape tourism". In Champion, E.; Lee, C.; Stadler, J.; and Peaslee, R.M. (eds.) Screen Tourism and Affective Landscapes: The Real, the Virtual, and the Cinematic. London: Routledge. 136-157. DOI: 10.4324/9781003327585-9

Gerke, Maree; Ooi, Can-Seng; and Dahles, Heidi. 2023. "Bourdieu on Tasmania: How theory of practice makes sense of the emergence of regenerative tourism". In Çakmak, Erdinç; Isaac, Rami K. and Butler, Richard (eds.) Changing Practices of Tourism Stakeholders in COVID-19 Affected Destinations. Bristol: Channel View Publications. 121-141.

Sou, Gemma; Ooi, Can-Seng; and Zhang, Yunzi. 2023. "Resilience and resistance". In Ooi, Can-Seng; de Waegh, Roxane; Trifan, Cristina Alexandra; and Zhang, Yunzi (eds.) Islands and Resilience: Experiences from the Pandemic Era. Singapore: Springer Nature. 53-64. DOI:10.1007/978-981-19-9964-2_4

Movono, Apisalome; Ooi, Can-Seng; Hardy, Anne; Muslin, Marta; and Cole, Stroma. 2023. "Wayfinding Resilience". In Ooi, Can-Seng; de Waegh, Roxane; Trifan, Cristina Alexandra; and Zhang, Yunzi (eds.) Islands and Resilience: Experiences from the Pandemic Era. Singapore: Springer Nature. 65-80. DOI:10.1007/978-981-19-9964-2_5

Zhang, Yunzi; Ooi, Can-Seng; Sou, Gemma; Steenbergen, Dirk J.; and Trifan, Cristina Alexandra Trifan. 2023. "Situating Resilience". In Ooi, Can-Seng; de Waegh, Roxane; Trifan, Cristina Alexandra; and Zhang, Yunzi (eds.) Islands and Resilience: Experiences from the Pandemic Era. Singapore: Springer Nature. 1-15. DOI:10.1007/978-981-19-9964-2_1

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2022. "Tourist experiences as attention products". In Sharpley, R. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of the Tourist Experience. London: Routledge. 82-99. DOI: 10.4324/9781003219866-11

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2022. "Sustainable tourism and the moral limits of the market". In Balasingam, Ann Selvaranee and Ma, Yue (eds.) Asian Tourism Sustainability. Singapore: Springer Nature. 177-197. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-5264-6_10.

Long, Fei; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2022. "Sustainability and the tourist wall: The case of hindered interaction between Chinese visitors with Malaysian society". In Balasingam, Ann Selvaranee and Ma, Yue (eds.) Asian Tourism Sustainability. Singapore: Springer Nature. 81-99. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-5264-6_5.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2022. "Soft power in tourism". In Jafari, J. and Xiao, H. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer Nature. 113-127. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-01669-6_184-2. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2021. "Gay tourism: A celebration and appropriation of queer difference". In Vorobjovas-Pinta, O. (ed.) Gay Tourism: New Perspectives. Bristol: Channel View Publications. 15-33.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2021. "How masculinity creeps in: Awkward field encounters of a male researcher". In Porter, A.B.; Schanzel, H.A.; and Cheer, J.M. (eds.) Masculinities in the Field: Tourism and Transdisciplinary Research. Bristol: Channel View Publications. 85-98.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2021. "The creative reputation dilemma: Professional and emotional negotiation of cultural value". In Lehman, Kim; Fillis, Ian; and Wickham, Mark (eds.) Exploring Cultural Value: Contemporary Issues for Theory and Practice. Bingley: Emerald. 133-147.

Ek, Richard; Hardy, Anne; Larson, Mia; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2020. "The emotional labor of the co-created tourism experience". In Dixit, Saurabh Kumar (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Experience Management and Marketing. London: Routledge. 550-559.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2020. "Sensitive and sensible tourism development: Frameworks to further the conversation". In Ooi, Can-Seng and Hardy, Anne (eds). 2020. Tourism in Tasmania. Hobart: Forty South. 9-22. Free download.

Shelly, Becky; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2020. "Tourism serving the community: Case of The Children's University Tasmania". In Ooi, Can-Seng and Hardy, Anne (eds). 2020. Tourism in Tasmania. Hobart: Forty South. 209-219. Free download.

Denny, Lisa; Shelly, Becky; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2020. "State of the tourism workforce in Tasmania". In Ooi, Can-Seng and Hardy, Anne (eds). Tourism in Tasmania. Hobart: Forty South. 220-232. Free download.

Hardy, Anne; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2020. "Tasmania: The state of the state". In Ooi, Can-Seng and Hardy, Anne (eds). Tourism in Tasmania. Hobart: Forty South. 1-6. Free download.

Ooi, Can-Seng; and Hardy, Anne. 2020. "Tourism: Moving forward together". In Ooi, Can-Seng and Hardy, Anne (eds). 2020. Tourism in Tasmania. Hobart: Forty South. 235-239. Free download.

Ooi, Can-Seng; and Tarulevicz, Nicole. 2019. "From third world to first world: Tourism, food safety and the making of modern Singapore". In Park, Eerang; Kim, Sangkyun; and Yeoman, Ian (eds.) Food Tourism in Asia. Singapore: Springer. 73-88. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3624-9_6

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2019. "Singapore: Creating an ever-changing place product". In Hoyne, Andrew (ed.) The Place Economy, Volume 2. Sydney: Hoyne. 118-128.

Ooi, Can-Seng; and Comunian, Roberta. 2019. "The artrepreneurial ecosystem in Singapore: Enable and inhibit the creative economy". In Lim, Lorraine; and Lee, Hye-Kyung (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Cultural and Creative Industries in Asia. London: Routlege. 57-71.

Ooi, Can-Seng; and Shelley, Becky. 2019. "The Children's University Tasmania: The transformative power of tourism". In Jamal, T. Justice and Ethics in Tourism. London: Routledge. 222-228.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2018. "Global City for the Arts: Weaving tourism into cultural policy". In Chong, Terence (ed.) The State and the Arts in Singapore: Policies and Institutions, Singapore: World Scientific. 165-179. DOI: 10.1142/9789813236899_0008. Access.

Ma, Yue; Ooi, Can-Seng; and Hardy, Anne. 2018. "Chinese traveling overseas and their anxieties". In Yang, E. and Khoo-Lattimore, C. (eds.) Asian Cultures and Contemprary Tourism, Singapore: Springer. 201-220. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-7980-1_11. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2017. "The global art city". In Hannigan, J. and Richards, G. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of New Urban Studies, Thousand Oaks: SAGE. 207-216.

Tourism Methodologies

Ooi, Can-Seng, and Strandgaard Pedersen, Jesper. 2017. "Tourism, place branding and the local-turn in food: The New Nordice Cuisine". In Wagner, D., et al. (eds.) Kulinarischer Tourismus und Weintourismus: Culinary and Wine Tourism Conference 2015, Wiesbaden: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-13732-8_8. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2015. "Soft power, tourism". In Jafari, J. and Xiao, H. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Tourism, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01669-6_184-1. Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2015. "Cultural tourism". In Dahlgaard-Park, Su Mi (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy, London: SAGE. 108-110.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2015. "Destination marketing". In Dahlgaard-Park, Su Mi (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy, London: SAGE. 154-156.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2015. "Intercultural management". In Dahlgaard-Park, Su Mi (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy, London: SAGE. 322-328.

Gulrud, Natalie Marie; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2015 "Manufacturing green consensus: Urban greenspace governance in Singapore". In Sandberg, L. Anders; Bardekjian, Adrina; and Butt, Sadia (eds.) Urban Forests, Trees, and Greenspace: A Political Ecology Perspective, New York: Routledge. 77-92.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2014. "Accentuating complexity and ambiguity: Dialogism and its methodological implications". In Meged, J.W.; Blichfeldt, B.S.; Hansen, L.A.; and Hvass, K.A. (eds.) Tourism Methodologies - New Perspectives, Practices and Proceedings. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press. 155-174.

Branding Chinese Mega Cities Ooi, Can-Seng. 2014. "The making of the copy-cat city: Accreditation tactics in place branding". In P.O. Berg and E. Björner (eds.) Branding Chinese Mega-Cities: Policies, Practices and Positioning. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 232-248.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Lai, Shevren. 2014. "Creative heritage: Melaka and its past". In L. Marques and G. Richards (eds)Creative districts around the world. Breda: CELTH/NHTV. 164-169. [A creative commons open-access book]

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2013."Tourism policy challenges: Balancing acts, co-operative stakeholders and maintaining authenticity". In M. Smith and G. Richards (eds). Routledge Handbook of Cultural Tourism. New York: Routledge. 67-74.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Munar, Ana María. 2013. "Digital social construction of a tourist site: Ground Zero". In A.M. Munar, S. Gyimöthy and L. Cai (eds). Tourism Social Media: Transformations in Identity, Community and Culture. Bingley: Emerald. 159-175.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2012."Education and becoming an artist: Experiences from Singapore". In C. Mathieu (ed). Careers in Creative Industries. New York: Routledge. 254-269.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2012."The Danish welfare model and the 'Singapore Inc' model". In L.H. Yeo and B. Turner (eds). Changing Tides and Changing Ties - Anchoring Asia-Europe Relations in Challenging Time. Singapore: The EU Centre in Singapore. 69-74.

Munar, Ana Maria; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2012. "The truth of the crowds: social media and the heritage experience". In L. Smith, E. Waterton and S. Watson (eds). The Cultural Moment in Tourism. New York: Routledge. 255-273.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2011. "Branding and the accreditation approach: Singapore". In Morgan, Nigel; Pritchard, Annette; and Pride, Roger (eds). Destination Brands: Managing Place Reputation, 3rd edition. Oxford: Elsevier. 185-196.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2011. "Paradoxes of city branding and societal changes". In Dinnie, Keith; (ed.) City Branding: Theory and Cases. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. 54-61.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2011. "The overseas constituency". In Tan, Kevin Y.L. and Lee, Terence(eds). Voting in Change: Politics of Singapore's 2011 General Election . Singapore: Ethos Books. 161-171.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2010. "Histories, tourism and museums: Re-making Singapore". In Hitchcock, Michael; King, Victor T. and Parnwell, Michael (eds) Heritage Tourism in Southeast Asia. Copenhagen: NIAS Press. 83-102.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Birgit Stoeber. 2010. "Authenticity and Place Branding: The Arts and Culture in Branding Berlin and Singapore". In Britta Timm Knudsen and Anne Marit Waade (eds.), Re-Investing Authenticity: Tourism, Places and Emotions. Bristol: Channel View Publications. 66-79.

Stoeber, Birgit and Can-Seng Ooi. 2009. "Kreatives Singapour" [Creative Singapore]. In Lange, B.; Kalandides, A.; Stoeber, B. and Wellmann, I.(eds.) Governance der Kreativwirtschaft [Governing the Creative Industries]. Bielefeld: Transcript. [in German]

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2008. "The Danish seduction of the China outbound tourism market: new issues for tourism research". In Worm, V. (ed.) China Business Opportunities in a Globalizing Economy. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press. 171-191.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2008. "Strategier for markedsfoering af steder: En sammenligning af Danmark og Singapore". In Lorenzen, M; Kristensen, T.; Skov, L. og Pedersen, J.S. (red.) Naar Oplevelser Moeder Oekonomi: Kreative Virksomheder, Brancher og Steder. Aarhus: Klim. 249-263. [in Danish].

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2007. "The creative industries and tourism in Singapore". In Greg Richards and Julie Wilson (eds.) Tourism, Creativity and Development. London: Routledge. 240-251.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2007. "Free the mind, mind the free: The creative economy and the limits to the freedom of expression in Singapore". In Hayes, Mike (ed.) Communication and Human Rights. Bangkok: Office of Human Rights Studies and Social Development, Mahidol University. 44-68.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2007. "Fra ignorant til intelligent turist: Decentering og recentering af kulturer" [From ignoramous to intelligent tourist: Decentering and recentering of culture]. In Soerensen, A. (ed.) Grundbog i turisme [Essential Readings for Tourism Studies]. Copenhagen: Frydenlund. 69-81. (in Danish, translated by Anders Soerensen)

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2005. "A theory of tourism experiences". In O'Dell, T. and Billing, P. (eds) Experiencescapes: Culture, Tourism and Economy, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press. 51-68.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2004. "Brand Singapore: The hub of New Asia". In Morgan, N., Pritchard, A. and Pride, R. (eds) Destination Branding, 2nd edition.Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth Heinnman. 242-260.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2004. "Tourism experiences as attention products". In Kylaanen, M (ed.) Articles on Experiences. Rovaniemi Finland: The Experience Institute.

Ooi,Can-Seng. 2001. "Dialogic heritage: time, space and visions of the National Museum of Singapore" In Teo, Peggy; Chang, T.C. and Ho, K.C. (eds.) Interconnected Worlds: Tourism in Southeast Asia. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 171-188.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 1998. "Singapore". In Sachsenroeder, Wolfgang and Frings, Ulrike (eds.) Political Party Systems and Democratic Development in East and Southeast Asia, Vol 1: Southeast Asia. London: Ashgate. 343-402.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 1997. "Experiencing Friendship: notes for the study of social relationships". In HM Dahlan, H Jusoh, Hing AY and Ong JH (eds.) Asean in the Global system. Kuala Lumpur: University Kebangsaan Malaysia Press. 176-190.



Ooi, Can-Seng; de Waegh, Roxane; Trifan, Cristina Alexandra; and Zhang, Yunzi (eds.) 2023. Islands and Resilience: Experiences from the Pandemic Era. Singapore: Springer Nature. 65-80. DOI:10.1007/978-981-19-9964-2

Ooi, Can-Seng and Hardy, Anne (eds). 2020. Tourism in Tasmania. Hobart: Forty South. Free download.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Elizabeth Boon. 2010. Shifting Sand: An Anthology of Sand Sculptures by JOOheng Tan. Singapore: Sandworkz.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2002. Cultural Tourism and Tourism Cultures: The Business of Mediating Experiences in Copenhagen and Singapore. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press.

Read the review in Tourist Studies

special-themed editions of journals

Ooi, Can-Seng and Birgit Stoeber (eds.). 2011. Cultural Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, special thematic section on "Creativity unbound: Government, policies and the creative industries", Vol. 3. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Richard Ek (eds.). 2010. Cultural Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research , special thematic section on "Culture, work and emotion", Vol 2. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Juliette Koning (eds.). 2007. East Asia: An International Quarterly, special issue on "The business of identity", Vol 24, No. 2. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng and James Gomez (eds.). 2006. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, special issue on "Stability, risks and opposition in Singapore", No. 23-2006. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Hing Ai Yun (eds.). 2004. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, special issue on "Changing Asia", No. 20-2004. Download.

Selected working papers, reports and conference proceedings

Long, Fei and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2021. The Tourist Wall: The Case of China Visitors to Malaysia, Proceedings of the Council for Australasian Univeristy Tourism and Hopsitality Education (CAUTHE) 2021 Conference. 487-489. Download.

Zhang, Wei Wally; Ooi, Can-Seng; and Ma Yue. 2021. Contrasting Appreication of the Tasmanian Wilderness; Mediating the Chinese Visitor Experience from a Cultural Complexity Approach, Proceedings of the Council for Australasian Univeristy Tourism and Hopsitality Education (CAUTHE) 2021 Conference. 295-298. Download.

Strandgaard Pedersen, J. et al. 2016. Examining the Variety of Contexts for Creativity, WP 2.1.2 Report. Copenhagen: Access.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2014. Notes on the conceptualizations of culture in intercultural management. Center for Leisure and Culture Services Working Paper Series, September 2014. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 11pp. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2013. Why are cities becoming alike when each city is branded as different?. Center for Leisure and Culture Services Working Paper Series, May 2013. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 17pp. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2013. How to capture and present complexity, ambivalence and ambiguity: Applying dialogism in social science research. Center for Leisure and Culture Services Working Paper Series, April 2013. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 13pp. Download.

Ren, Carina and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2012. Auto-communication and Micro-orientalism at the Shanghai Expo 2010 - Performing and regulating 'Danishness'. Center for Leisure and Culture Services Working Paper Series, December 2012. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 26pp. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2012. Good tourism policies: Walking the tight rope. Center for International Business and Emerging Markets Working Papers Series, January 2012. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 11pp. Download.

Munar, Ana Maria and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2012. What social media tell us about the heritage experience. Center for Leisure and Culture Services Working Paper Series, April 2012. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 18pp. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2010. Branding Cities, Changing Societies. Creative Encounters Working Paper #45. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 17pp. Download.

Ooi,Can-Seng. 2010. Buying and selling art: Control mechanism during interaction. Creative Encounters Working Paper #48. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 24pp. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2010. "Education and becoming an artist: Experiences from Singapore", CIBEM Working Paper November 2010. Copenhagen:Copenhagen Business School. Paper presented as "An art education, So what? The situation in Singapore" at the Careers in the Creative Industries Conference, Copenhagen, 10-12 May. Download.

Koning, Juliette and Can-Seng Ooi. 2010. Awkwardness and what to do with it: Contemplating quality and trustworthiness in organizational ethnography. CIBEM Working Paper June 2010. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. Paper presented at the 26th EGOS Colloquium, July 2010, Lisbon. 19pp. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2009. Familiarity and uniqueness: Branding Singapore as a revitalized destination. Creative Encounters Working Paper #36. Copenhagen: Imagine.. Creative Industry Research Centre. 18pp. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen. 2009. City Branding and Film Festivals: The case of Copenhagen. Creative Encounters Working Paper #28. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 43pp. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2009. Soft authoritarianism, political pragmatism and cultural policies: Singapore as a City for the Arts. Creative Encounters Working Paper #34; paper presented at the Government Encounters workshop. 4-6 May. Copenhagen: Imagine.. Creative Industry Research Centre. 25pp. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2008. "Creative Singapore: Image and reality". Conference Proceedings of Arte-Polis2: Creative Communities and the Making of Place, Bandung (Indonesia), 8-9 August. B68 - B77.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2008. Credibility of a Creative Image: The Singaporean Approach. Creative Encounters Working Papers #7. Copenhagen: Imagine.. Creative Industry Research Centre. 20pp. Download .

Ooi, Can-Seng and Birgit Stoeber. 2008. Authenticity in Context. Creative Encounters Working Papers #6. Copenhagen: Imagine.. Creative Industry Research Centre. 19pp. Download .

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2007. Chinese Tourists in Denmark. Creative Encounters Working Papers #5. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 19pp. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2007. Framing the Chinese in International Business: Packaged Cultures and the Researcher, INT Working Paper. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 24pp.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2006. "Bounded creativity and the push for the creative economy in Singapore", 16th Asian Studies Association of Australia Refereed Conference Proceedings, Wollongong, Australia, 26-29 June 2006.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2006. Tales from Two Countries: The Place Branding of Denmark and Singapore, Copenhagen Discussion Papers 9-2006, Copenhagen: ARC, CBS. 32pp. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng and James Gomez. 2006. Singapore's Vulnerable Risk-Free Democracy, INT Working Paper. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 13pp. Download.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2006. The Creative Industries in Singapore: Freedom of Expression in a Soft Authoritarian Regime, INT Working Paper. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 18pp. Download .

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2006. Tourism and the Creative Economy in Singapore, INT Working Paper, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 19pp. Download .

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2005. "Orientalist tourist images and their consequences: Towards a critical analysis", Embodying Tourism Research: Advancing Critical Approaches Conference Working Papers, Dubrovnik, Croatia 30 June-3 July 2005. 149-157.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2005. Orientalist Imaginations and Touristification of Museums: Experiences from Singapore, Copenhagen Discussion Papers 1-2005, Copenhagen: Asia Research Centre, Copenhagen Business School. 23pp. Download .

Ooi, Can-Seng; Tatjiana Pejic Kristensen and Zdenka Lomanova Pedersen. 2004. Emerging Place Image: From Czechoslovakia to the Czech Republic and Slovakia. INT Working Paper, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 30pp. Download .

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2004. "The orientalist tourist gaze and its consequences". Paper presented at the 6th ASEAN Inter-University Conference, Penang, Malaysia, May 2004.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2003. Crafting Tourism Experiences: Managing the Attention Product", Experiencing an Adventure: Proceedings from the 12th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research .Stavanger, Norwegian School of Hotel Management.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2002. "The poetics and politics of branding Denmark". Paper presented at the 11th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research, Gotenberg, Sweden, November 2002.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2002. "Mediated experiences and the dynamics of cultural consumption". Paper presented at Tourism Research 2002, Cardiff, September 2002

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2001. "Dialogic of balance: tourism, culture and politics". Paper presented at the 5th ASEAN Inter-University Conference, Singapore, 23-25 May 2001.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2001. "A nice and cosy place: the brand strategy Denmark". Paper presented at the first Danish-Anglo seminar on tourism research, Beamish Open Air Museum, September.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2000. "Dialogic tourism: when leisure business becomes part of local culture". Paper presented at the Leisure Studies Association 2000 Conference, Glasgow, UK.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Snejina Michailova. 1999. "Methodological discipline in comparing emerging economies", IKL Working Paper 30. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 1999. "Constructing a Southeast Asian heritage". Paper presented at the 4th ASEAN Inter-University Conference, Pattani, Thailand, June.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Esben Karmark. 1998. "History in identity: the past tells of the present and future". IKL Occasional Paper 53. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School.

Ooi, Can-Seng and Snejina Michailova. 1998. "Glocalisation dialogues: East Asia, Eastern Europe and their emergence". Paper presented at a IKL Seminar, Copenhagen Business School, May.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 1997. "Singapore's economics of good governance". Paper presented at the ASEAN Inter-University Conference, Pekanbaru, Indonesia, June.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 1996. "Renewing relevance of the family Singapore: challenges from everyday life". Paper presented at the Family Education Seminar Series, Singapore, 20 July.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 1995. "Segmentalised but satisfying: friendship Singapore". Paper presented at the 2nd ASEAN Inter-University Conference, September, Cebu, Philippines



Ooi, Can-Seng. 2007. "Authenticity and the Art of Branding Places", Lilje-Rapporten: Dansk Oplevelsesoekonomi, Nr. 5 (Vinter 07/08): 4-5 (Newsletter of the Danish Experience Economy Network)

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2002. "National economic policies: Singapore, AFTA and FTA", Newsletter of the Asia Research Centre, No. 12, 3-12.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2001. Mediated cultures: production and consumption of Copenhagen and Singapore. Ph.D. Series 1.2001. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2001. "Culture as economic and political resources: re-constituting art and history in Singapore", Newsletter of the Asia Research Centre, No. 9, January 2001. 20pp.

Ooi, Can-Seng. 2000. "Book review: the political causes of the Asian crisis", Newsletter of the Asia Research Centre, September 2000, 34-35.