Here are my publications on art worlds and cultural development. Most of the journal articles and book chapters are available for download at Researchgate and
Or I will give you the electronic copy if you send in your request. Your comments are always welcomed.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2021. "The creative reputation dilemma: Professional and emotional negotiation of cultural value". In Lehman, Kim; Fillis, Ian; and Wickham, Mark (eds.)
Exploring Cultural Value: Contemporary Issues for Theory and Practice. Bingley: Emerald. 133-147.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2021. "Book review: Ideas of the city in Asian settings", Pacific Affairs, Vol 94, No. 3, 579-581.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2019. "Changing role of tourism policy in Singapore's cultural dynamics and development: From explicit to insidious", Tourism, Culture and Communication.
Vol. 19, No. 4, 231-242. DOI: 10.3727/194341419X15542140077648.
Ooi, Can-Seng; and Comunian, Roberta. 2019. "The artrepreneurial ecosystem in Singapore: Enable and inhibit the creative economy".
In Lim, Lorraine; and Lee, Hye-Kyung (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Cultural and Creative Industries in Asia. London: Routlege. 57-71.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2019. "Production and consumption of stories, images and fantasies: heritage, screen and literary tourism", Annals of Leisure Research,
Vol 22, No. 3, 408-410. DOI: 10.1080/11745398.2018.1506992.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2018. "Global City for the Arts: Weaving tourism into cultural policy". In Chong, Terence (ed.)
The State and the Arts in Singapore: Policies and Institutions, Singapore: World Scientific. 165-179. DOI: 10.1142/9789813236899_0008. Access.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2017. "The global art city". In Hannigan, J. and Richards, G. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of New Urban Studies, Thousand Oaks: SAGE. 207-216.
Comunian, Roberta; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2016. "Global aspirations and local talent: the development of creative higher education in Singapore",
International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol. 22, No. 1, 58-79. doi: 10.1080/10286632.2015.1101085.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2016. "The business of politics, commerce and culture in East Asia", International Journal of Cultural Policy,
Vol. 22, No. 2, 308-311. DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2015.1084301
Ooi, Can-Seng; HÃ¥kanson, Lars; and LaCava, Laura. 2014. "Poetics and politics of the European Capital of Culture project",
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol 148, 420-427. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.07.061. Download.
Koning, Juliette; and Ooi, Can-Seng. 2013. "Awkward encounters and ethnography", Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal,
Vol. 8, No. 1, 16-32. DOI: 10.1108/17465641311327496. Access. (Journal's "2014 Highly Commended Paper")
Ooi, Can-Seng.
2012."Education and becoming an artist: Experiences from Singapore". In C. Mathieu (ed). Careers in Creative Industries. New York: Routledge. 254-269. See book.
Ooi, Can-Seng.
2011. "Subjugated in the creative industries: The fine arts in Singapore", Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 3, 119-137. Download.
Ooi, Can-Seng.
2011. "Branding and the accreditation approach: Singapore". In Morgan, Nigel; Pritchard, Annette; and Pride, Roger (eds). Destination Brands: Managing Place Reputation, 3rd edition. Oxford: Elsevier. 185-196.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2011. "Paradoxes of city branding and societal changes".
In Dinnie, Keith (ed.) City Branding: Theory and
Cases. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. 54-61.
Ooi, Can-Seng and Stoeber, Birgit. 2011. "Creativity unbound - Policies, government and the creative industries", Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 3, 113-117. Download.
Ooi,Can-Seng. 2010. "Political pragmatism and the creative economy: Singapore as a City for the Arts", International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol. 16, No. 4, 403-417. Download.
Ooi, Can-Seng and Strandgaard Pedersen, Jesper. 2010. "City branding and film festivals: Re-evaluating stakeholders' relations", Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 6, 4, 316-332.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2010. "Cacophony of voices and emotions: Dialogic of buying and selling art", Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 2. 347-364. Download.
Ooi, Can-Seng. and Ek, Richard. 2010. "Culture, work and emotion", Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 2, 303-310. Download.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2010. "Histories, tourism and museums: Re-making Singapore". In Hitchcock, Michael; King, Victor T. and Parnwell, Michael (eds) Heritage Tourism in Southeast Asia.
Copenhagen: NIAS Press. 83-102.
Ooi, Can-Seng and Birgit Stoeber. 2010. "Authenticity and Place Branding: The Arts and Culture in Branding Berlin and Singapore". In Britta Timm Knudsen and Anne Marit Waade (eds.), Re-Investing
Authenticity: Tourism, Places and Emotions. Bristol: Channel View Publications. 66-79.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2009. "Government and creativity: Arts city Singapore", Creative Industries, No. 3, 44-47. [in Chinese, translated by Marina Guo, a journal of the Shanghai Academy of
Social Sciences].
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2009. "The Orient responds: Tourism, orientalism and the national museums of Singapore", Ratasatra San
[Bulletin of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Thammasat University]. Vol. 30, No. 2 (May - August), 113-155. (in Thai, translated by Chewasit Boonyakiet)
Stoeber, Birgit and Can-Seng Ooi. 2009. "Kreatives Singapour" [Creative Singapore]. In Lange, B.; Kalandides, A.; Stoeber, B. and Wellmann, I.
(eds.) Governance der Kreativwirtschaft [Governing the Creative Industries]. Bielefeld: Transcript. [in German]
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2008. "Reimagining Singapore as a creative nation: The politics of place branding", Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 4, 287-302.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2007. "The creative industries and tourism in Singapore". In Greg Richards and Julie Wilson (eds.) Tourism, Creativity and Development. London: Routledge. 240-251.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2007. "Free the mind, mind the free: The creative economy and the limits to the freedom of expression in Singapore". In Hayes, Mike (ed.) Communication and Human Rights.
Bangkok: Office of Human Rights Studies and Social Development, Mahidol University. 44-68.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2004. "Brand Singapore: The hub of New Asia". In Morgan, N., Pritchard, A. and Pride, R. (eds) Destination Branding,
2nd edition.Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth Heinnman. 242-260.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2001. "Dialogic heritage: time, space and visions of the
National Museum of Singapore" In Teo, Peggy; Chang, T.C. and Ho, K.C. (eds.) Interconnected Worlds: Tourism in Southeast Asia.
Amsterdam: Elsevier. 171-188.
Ooi, Can-Seng and Elizabeth Boon. 2010. Shifting Sand: An Anthology of Sand Sculptures by JOOheng Tan. Singapore:
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2002. Cultural Tourism and Tourism Cultures: The Business of Mediating Experiences in Copenhagen and Singapore.
Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press.
Read the review in Tourist Studies
special-themed editions of journals
Ooi, Can-Seng and Birgit Stoeber (eds.). 2011. Cultural Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, special thematic section on "Creativity unbound: Government, policies and the creative industries",
Vol. 3. Download.
Ooi, Can-Seng and Richard Ek (eds.). 2010. Cultural Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, special thematic section on "Culture, work and emotion", Vol 2. Download.
Selected working papers and conference proceedings
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2010. Branding Cities, Changing Societies. Creative Encounters Working Paper #45. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 17pp. Download.
Can-Seng. 2010. Buying and selling art: Control mechanism during interaction. Creative Encounters Working Paper #48. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 24pp. Download.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2010. "Education and becoming an artist: Experiences from Singapore", CIBEM Working Paper November 2010. Copenhagen:
Copenhagen Business School. Paper presented as "An art education, So what? The situation in Singapore" at the Careers in the Creative
Industries Conference, Copenhagen, 10-12 May. Download.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2009. Familiarity and uniqueness: Branding Singapore as a revitalized destination. Creative Encounters Working Paper #36. Copenhagen: Imagine.. Creative
Industry Research Centre. 18pp. Download.
Ooi, Can-Seng and Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen. 2009. City Branding and Film Festivals: The case of Copenhagen. Creative Encounters Working Paper
#28. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 43pp. Download.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2009. Soft authoritarianism, political pragmatism and cultural policies: Singapore as a City for the Arts. Creative Encounters Working Paper
#34; paper presented at the Government Encounters workshop. 4-6 May. Copenhagen: Imagine.. Creative Industry Research Centre. 25pp. Download.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2008. "Creative Singapore: Image and reality". Conference Proceedings of Arte-Polis2: Creative Communities and the Making of Place, Bandung (Indonesia), 8-9
August. B68 - B77. Download .
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2008. Credibility of a Creative Image: The Singaporean Approach. Creative Encounters Working Papers #7. Copenhagen: Imagine.. Creative Industry
Research Centre. 20pp. Download .
Ooi, Can-Seng and Birgit
Stoeber. 2008. Authenticity in Context. Creative Encounters Working Papers #6. Copenhagen: Imagine.. Creative Industry Research Centre. 19pp. Download .
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2006. "Bounded creativity and the push for the creative economy in Singapore", 16th Asian Studies Association of Australia
Refereed Conference Proceedings, Wollongong, Australia, 26-29 June 2006.
Can-Seng. 2006. Tales from Two Countries: The Place Branding of Denmark and Singapore, Copenhagen Discussion Papers 9-2006, Copenhagen: ARC, CBS. 32pp. Download.
Can-Seng. 2006. The Creative Industries in Singapore: Freedom of Expression in a Soft Authoritarian Regime, INT Working Paper. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 18pp. Download.
Ooi, Can-Seng. 2006. Tourism
and the Creative Economy in Singapore, INT Working Paper, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. 19pp. Download.